Sunday, April 3, 2011

Game On Diet

This is the first book I have reviewed, but it's not really a book as much as it is a game.  Have you read The Game On Diet ? I think you'll be surprised by what you read.  First, one of the authors is a  writer of Grey's Anatomy.  I don't watch TV much (which is surprising given that people in my family write for TV) but if the TV show is anything like the book...
you'll laugh your ass off (also good for weight loss).  I think the funniest part was when she is asked by a male player in the game if men have a similar concession once a month as women have the week they have their..ahem.. cycle.  I won't let the cat out of the bag but let's just say that I read this part while on a fully loaded shuttle bus from the airport to a hotel in New York and laughed so hard and so long that the ladies on each side of me started reading my book over my shoulder.  But, I digress.  Let's start from the beginning. 

The book is really the rules to a weight-loss game.  You get a team together (men, women or a combination) and compete for points.  You get points for: healthy eating, exercise, a full night sleep, incorporating good things into your daily habits and more points for removing bad habits (plus other stuff).  There are also penalty points for making bad choices.  I just finished playing my first game.  I lost 5 pounds of the 15 I want to lose.  I got more sleep, read more books and had more fun with my girlfriends than I ever have on a "diet" rewarding it with top scores for effectiveness.  I even lost 2 pounds on a cruise and won the weight-loss contest at the ship's spa and was rewarded with a free spa treatment. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this book giving it bonus points for the humor and giving me a reason to connect with those I love on a daily basis. This book is available for digital download on your Kindle, iPad, Nook, etc.  This is a great option if you want to be environmentally friendly. My only complaint is that there are not really not great options for vegetarians. I really struggled when I was traveling for business.  Veggie burgers are not available everywhere and I either had to take a point deduction or bring my own food (frowned upon when dealing with customers).

Given the potential for this book to make me laugh, shrink my butt and insist I talk/text/e-mail my friends daily it came in with the high score of 32/40 and is definitely ....

Good Stuff!

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