Saturday, January 22, 2011

Garneau HeatMaXX Arm Warmers

When I woke up this morning it was 24 degrees.  I remembered my flash of brilliance earlier in the summer and bought some HeatMaXX arm warmers on sales even though it was 105 degrees outside.  These arm warmers go from your bicept to your wrist and are held up with an elastic band at the top.  They are lined with a thin fleece.  The outside is a knit with SPF50 (who knew knit could have an SPF rating!).  At full price these $19.99 arm warmers kept my arms...
surprisingly warm.  I would even say I was "Comfortable".  The price was good and I am glad I bought them.  The packaging was environmentally appropriate for the product with a simple tag and attachment.  I saw no indication of social responsibility which is a shame. My overall rating was a 28/40.... Good Stuff~

Now when are they going to come out with something to warm my nose?

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